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SW Industrial Park Deep Utility Servicing

Town of Innisfail

Project Description

Tagish Engineering was commissioned to oversee the design, tendering, and construction management of the deep utility servicing for a new industrial subdivision. The project included the development of a comprehensive water system, designed to accommodate future growth in the area and included modeling of the Town's existing system to identify potential future growth connection points. The team also designed a new gravity main for the wastewater system, which connects directly to the Town's main trunk main and regional lift station for transportation and treatment in the City of Red Deer.

For stormwater management, the team designed both major and minor systems, utilizing two previously constructed stormwater ponds for storage and control of runoff. The minor system was designed to handle a 1:5 year storm event, discharging into the new storm ponds, while the major system considered future roadway grades and overland flow routes.

The tendering and construction of the project was completed successfully, with the tendering process staged to allow for completion during the fall months. This resulted in ideal pricing during a year with limited underground projects being completed. To mitigate supply chain issues, alternative materials were considered for the sewer systems, allowing the project to be completed well before the surface and shallow utility phases were set to begin.


Town of Innisfail




  • 830m of storm sewer (250 - 1200mm)

  • 675m of sanitary sewer (200mm)

  • 1,200m of water main (150 - 300mm)

  • 57 vert.m. of manholes

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